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  • MacKenna Zielinski

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    631 Godly Level of Awesome


    • GENDER
    • PLAY-BY
      Nicki Clyne
    • RACE
    • JOB
      Former Combat Engineer for the Army/Current Mechanic
    • 'SHIP:
      Kai Alexander Morgan...kind of? It's complicated.
      New York
      Vanguard of Humanity
      Mack has some kind of attachment to Kai Alexander Morgan, a were kitty and that is likely to make her life far to interesting very quickly.

    Profile Fields

    • Primary
      This one
    • All My Characters
      Sebastian Ardal
    • Typist's Interests
      Writing, reading, music (I'm a musicaholic), and a smattering of tv shows. Also have kids and a husband that demand attention here and there.
    • Typist's Role Play History
      10 years of roleplay in various mediums including Table top, LARP, and forums. Not including various chats and play by mails. I got into rping mainly as a way to help me flesh out character for a novel I'm working on and the bug has stuck. I love making stories with people and seeing where the characters take themselves. Pretty much open to whatever and have no problems mangling my characters if they go off and do stupid crap. I can always make another character. XD
    • Role Play Sample
      Mack downed her shot of whiskey and signaled the barkeep for another. It was only to be her third so she was alright so far. Maybe a little on the tipsy side but hell she wasn't driving. That was a plus to living close to a bar.

      As she silently toasted the fallen her jaw clenched a bit off center as she heard another cheer behind her. A bunch of young punks that from their conversations they were celebrating joining the OU. Bunch of dumbass kids...

      Alan the barkeep kept eying her and then the celebratory group. It did not take fancy abilities or grand intelligence to know he was fearful of what she, a volatile member of the HLNA might start when you had a loud and slowly getting drunk batch of kids from the Order.

      Kids they were, Mack felt justified in dubbing them that from their fresh faces and good condition clothes that she wanted to say their Mama's likely still washed. To them all this magic and myth junk was cool and trendy, like drugs and protesting in the 60's. Bunch of idiots liable to get themselves killed.

      But...that was their right...sadly. Mack repeated this to herself like a mantra. Her supposed betters were always saying she needed to learn to pick her fights. Personally Mack thought otherwise but she needed to remember she still had her uniform on under her leather jacket here.

      "Can't believe you let them freaks filthy up a perfectly good bar," she muttered to Alan as he poured her another shot. Her tolerance grinding thin from the lot behind her.

      When she started to take the shot though Alan slapped a hand over it, holding hers and the glass to the bartop. "Hey, them freaks are as human as you there Miss and have been here helping us long before you HLNA types popped up."

      Mack's green eyes sharpened but she did nothing for a moment waiting. Sure enough Alan thought she was going to shut up and just take his strong arming and started to let go. Instead Mack's hand shot up from the glass, grabbing onto his head and pulling it down onto the bartop hard. Her folding knife was out of her pocket and stabbed into the bartop next to his eye scant seconds after. There was silence in the bar as everyone sat, transfixed.

      "Let me tell you something here Alan. I like your bar, which is the only reason you don't have a knife in your head. Before this Shift crap happened I was out in the fields of Afghanistan hunting for landmines and dealing with IEDs without no fancy ass powers to help or defend my ass. Nowadays everyone seems to think we need the freaks around, like we'll all fall to pieces without them. No tell me something Alan. Do I need some grand powers to hold you here right now?"

      As she asked her question Mack pulled the knife out of the wood and let it scratch over his forehead. Alan gave a quick shake of his head before Mack let him up, taking her shot quickly before he went snatching it back again.

      "There's an issue here?" one of the kids from the OU slurred out. One hand grabbing onto Mack's shoulder.

      She let out an angry hiss like a cat. One hand swatting away the hand on her shoulder before she rammed her fist and the butt end of her knife into the kid's face. He landed on a sprawl even as Alan backed up more than he already had from being released. Mack scowled angrily even as she struggled against the cold sweat and skin crawling sensation. "Yeah...I see about four problems," she stated eying each OU in turn before giving a dismissive snort. She threw some money at Alan as she walked out the door, not interested in dealing with delusional kids anymore than she wanted to deal with the nightmares that were likely to be lurking when she went to sleep that night. That was not even to mention the reaming she was going to get tomorrow when her bosses heard about this...

      "Just another day in paradise," she muttered as she pulled her coat collar up and headed home to deal with the mess in her head first.
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