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  • Intruder on the Grounds

    Matteo Carducci

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    Breathing had long ago become rasped and rapid when the phone on the nightstand rang. Growl rumbled in the sweat stained chest as left hand held up his weight while the right snatched the phone off the wood top, motion never interrupted as he flicked it open.




    Snarl was clearly annoyed, but as the scowl darkened his expression a whimper came from under him, his rhythm and force increasing to speed up the inevitable. This romp was clearly coming to an immediate end.


    [matteo]…be down in fifteen.[/matteo]


    Phone flicked closed was tossed onto the floor beside the bed as he went down on his elbows and whispered in her ear through clenched teeth.


    [matteo]… show's over…come 'long or be left behind…[/matteo]


    It was the only warning as he pushed to his own end. At least he HAD warned her, giving her a chance to let go and hopefully join the train which exploded into the station at top speed just a moment later. The Senior Capo was already hopping out of bed even as his muscles still shuddered, lips hitting her forehead before trotting off to the shower, apology tossed over his shoulder as he climbed into the rushing water before it fully got warm.


    [matteo]…sorry babe… make it up t'ya next time.[/matteo]


    The "yeah yeah yeah" that came from his bed drew a chuckle. Work came first. Genna knew that, all Bakkhos knew that. Wasn’t the first fuck and dash he had pulled on her, likely not the last. She was used to hooking up with him from time to time. She wasn’t the only one either. The Capo had no time or energy for a relationship but a regular hook up that didn’t whine when he abandoned them was worth the effort of a dinner out.


    Three minute speedwash and he was already out raking a towel over his damp legs and chest before shaking his head, curls flicking water over the dark wood and marble bathroom. Jeans were snapped off the hook on the back of the bathroom door, hopped into still damp as he shoved his feet into a pair of sneakers, a tee stolen out of the closet as he came back to the bedroom where she lay still panting softly with a smirk at the wet Italian. Head popped through the neck hole as he sat and leaned over to nip and kiss her neck before ruffling her tousled blond hair.


    [matteo]…ya'know where the kitchen is…help yaself before ya go.[/matteo]


    Clearly he wasn’t coming back in time for a second round as he leaned and snatched the phone from the floor and his wallet and keys off the nightstand before jogging out the front door of his condo.


    The call had been from Tony, head of his security at Satyr. The place was nearing its grand opening and apparently their high tech security had tripped but then been shut off almost immediately. Wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow except there was no one on the books set to be there tonight.


    The rebuilt '70 Chevelle sped through the streets, aggressively cutting corners as he whipped finally into the expansive parking lot of the stadium, growling under his breath as the gun was popped out of the glove compartment and he headed to the security entrance. Hand was scanned before the lock popped open and he slammed the door behind him. Tony was likely already here. There was a strange hum barely audible in the air, like an electric current was on. Frowning he started taking the metal stairs two at a time to get to the upper deck where he walked out and found Tony leaning against a pole in the glass box. The guard glanced at Matteo and shook his head, chin jutting to the stadium floor a couple stories below.


    [npc]…called off the others. Looks like its just Grey checkin' the equipment.[/npc]


    Dark eyes frowned instantly. Bitch could at least have said she wanted to run a rehearsal. She was the opening act for Satyr but they hadn't planned on any dry runs until next week.


    [matteo]…sorry Tony… get on home and get some rest… I'll talk t'her.[/matteo]


    The guard chuckled soft and nodded, not having to be told twice as he pushed out the door of the box and headed down the stairs.


    Deep brown frowned down from the box as he moved to the bullet proof glass to look down on the dark field. She hadn't turned on a single light in the stadium but he could see the twinkle of red , white and green specks on the stage which told him the power was on to the stage and its equipment. She had only come back from the ship run for Carmine three days ago. Gaspari had put her on a forced two week vacation despite her vehement protest yesterday. Matteo had been there for an overview of the progress on Satyr and he saw what Gaspari did. Something had clearly happened out on the ocean, she was too eager to get back to work, almost agitated, and based on her gray pallor she was suffering from injuries she wasn’t fessing up to which was typical of Gaspari's pit bull. She never would admit any weakness.


    But… what the fuck was she doing here exactly?

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