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  • Ishsa Nestra

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      Unknown Model
    • RACE
      Meta Human Fae
    • JOB
      Free Spirit
      New York City

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    • Role Play Sample
      Small beneath the Tree that loomed high above her, Ishsa knelt upon the shadowed ground. Quickly her fingers dug a shallow space within the leaves, and with reverence the Fae placed a wristwatch into the newly made hole. The watch was old and scratched, its leather band faded, though the hands continued to turn in circular time. With a glint, the last light of dusk caught against the watch face before she buried the timepiece completely. But Ishsa stopped, a delicate hand frozen midair. All was still. All was still. She did not stir, only a loose strand of hair swayed about her face as she listened. Nostrils flaring, the Fae waited. A man! A man neared! His scent preceded him; it was there in the air, and upon the breeze. Ishsa’s large eyes, framed by dark lashes and white hair, rose upward to see. He was old, his clothes unwashed and his eyes cloudy blue with glaucoma. Decay lay upon his bones, and within his organs. The Fae’s wings fluttered in anticipation. An old man… she wanted to touch the wrinkled skin and smell the sourness of his breath! In time he would return to the earth she so loved. A thought drifted past. She had not aged… She would not grow old as quickly as he! Ishsa tried to remember the numbers of years she had spent in this Wood, but digits were slippery things. Purposefully the Fae stood, letting the concealing Glamour fade from her home, only to obscure her wings instead as the man paused unknowingly at the edge of her border.

      “Excuse me Miss…?” he said with shaky voice. “Do you know which path leads to Central Park West? Is this the right direction?”

      Like a feral creature, Ishsa stared at the man. “Come closer,” she said huskily, attempting to contain her eagerness lest he get away. A spirited smile formed upon her lips and in her eyes. Her hand reached outward to him; it was a simple offer.

      “I got turned around, lost my way,” he added as explanation, “It’s getting dusk now and… I just… wanted to be home before--.”

      Everyone knew the dangers of the Park at night; everyone had to be careful, it was not safe. It was never safe, not truly. The Fae peered about as if to see who might be near - there was no one else. “Shhh, shhh…Grandfather,” she cooed, “Ishsa will help you. You are so old! Come…” She looked to be a normal girl, a Human girl and harmless. Her extended hand still waited. The man ran his own hand across his face, and dragged the wrinkly skin downwards, as if trying to decide the best course of action. He didn’t know the way home, he needed her help. And so he stepped across the threshold of the Fae’s Circle to take the small offered hand.

      At his touch, a chill ran the length of Ishsa’s spine. He was a prize! Her wings fluttered madly in pleasure. Immediately the Song found her lips and with voice fair, she sang a Distraction. It was a suggestion for him to stay, to relax just a little while – with her. The words flowed and built one upon the next. The Song offered a respite to the old man’s weariness. The Fae could not make him stay - that he would have to choose for himself. But she could nudge him, show him the way to her. Ishsa was beside herself! In the Other World, Fae magic was stronger! But not here… not here… this World was cruel and she cursed the Fates that brought this to pass! Yet, the man was old and trusting; he did not balk or bid her to stop the Song that sweetly wove itself upon the air around him. And so pretty was her face as it lifted near his stooped shoulder. She was closer now, the Song was ending. Ishsa inhaled deeply the smell of wool and moth and sweat. In a lilting voice she said, “I will show you that path, but first a story, yes? Just one…”

      He had no magic. He was weak and fearful of the Wood. But he was also Human and Ishsa offered safety, companionship. “I… I really should be going, but…” he began, and the Fae’s face sadly fell, only to lift once more as she caught the undertone of his words - he did not wish to hurt her feelings! “Maybe… one. Before it gets too dark?” The old man said with a smile, it was the smile of a younger, more vibrant man. The man he had been a lifetime ago. The Fae beamed; brightness and pleasure lighting upon her face. Without waiting, she led him to the base of the Tree and bid him to sit upon the ground, a thing he had not done in thirty years. He settled heavily beside her and told her a tale from his life, from when he was young and handsome and vital. When the story slowed, she sang again softly, to remind him, to keep him focused upon her. It was just a little Distraction… And after so many years of silence, it was good for the man to speak, to be heard. He wanted to stay and Ishsa clapped her hands happily when he next told the tale of a long, deceased wife, of children grown and distant, and about dreams he had never relinquished.

      Night descended with his telling and the moon rose above the tree tops. If the man noticed, he showed no discomfort, but his face bore a drawn and ashy visage; he had sat too long. His choice had bound him for a time, though now the Fae’s mood began to change. As if a chime had been struck, Ishsa abruptly became agitated and restless. The Fae, so dexterous, flew to her feet and circled the man, then once more around him she stepped, as if she might have missed something of consequence. No! He had nothing she needed after all... She wished him gone and away! “The way is there!” She announced suddenly, a thin arm flung outwards to point to the path he had originally sought. The man’s urgency returned to him, time had caught up to him. He had not eaten and his body was stiff from the prolonged exposure to the cold ground. Around him shadows loomed. The night was too dark. The sense of safety no longer lingered and how cold and cruel Ishsa’s countenance had suddenly become. She had shared a glimpse into her World and now it was selfishly drawn away.

      The Fae watched as the man stood and his boot landed upon the buried watch; within the leaves it shattered as he stumbled away. Hurrying along the cobbled path, the old man faltered and fell heavily. He did not rise immediately, but lay limp and weakened. He simply needed to catch his breath. Beyond through the gloom a menacing pair of yellow eyes watched the man as he struggled to stand. But Ishsa did not see, already she had turned away and disappeared into the dark foliage of Central Park, for she had shown him the way. Just as she had promised.
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